Tag: links

  • Of the beauty and babel of L4

    Last September 22-28, I had the privilege of participating in the Fourth Lausanne Congress (L4) held in Incheon, South Korea. You can find other websites that better explain the significance of this global gathering, so go ahead and visit them. It was fascinating. One of the first things I learned from L4 is that, statistically,…

  • Of slippery months, two languages meeting, and patient enduring

    In my endeavor to write (for myself, for the craft, for the future), I need to come face-to-face with an uncomfy truth: that certain months, like June, will feel like slippery fish. How are we now in its last week? Didn’t the month just start? To be fair, I’ve been living in the future without…

  • Hello, Philippines! Hello, world!

    Hello, Philippines!            Hello, world!

    I’m back. It’s been years, so you’ll have to excuse this now 30-something who quit “writing publicly” because it just took too much cognitive load and energy. The years have come and gone and come and gone again, and I’m glad that I’m still here, hopefully with a greater sense of “who the hell cares”…